Mamasphere, The Bellingham Review
The Standardized Patient, The Los Angeles Review
Home Reno Culture Makes Me Feel Like I Live in a “Before” Photo, Romper
Panicked Teachers Explain Why They Are Creating Wills Before School Starts, Vice
Russian Doll’s Brain, The Los Angeles Review of Books’ Avidly
Should You Quit Your Day Job?, Good Company Magazine
Some Growing Pains Are Unavoidable, Popula
Fine, White Ash Fluttered Down And Stuck to Our Clothing Like Dandruff, Popula
Pregnant, Then Ruptured, Longreads
Are The Kids Alright? These Surveillance Apps Sure Want to Tell You, The Outline
Google’s Got Our Kids, The Outline
No One is Teaching Our Kids to Spot Fake News, The Outline
The Art of Listening: A Hagiography, The Awl
Read This Book About Nazis, The Awl
Should I Stay or Should I Go?, The Billfold
Out of Pocket: What Teachers Around the Country Spend on Supplies, The Billfold
Why It Matters If You Once Dreamed of Being An Astronaut, The Billfold
The Cost of Staying Sane While Lugging Two Toddlers Across the US, The Billfold
Places I’ve Lived: Bay Area Gentrifier Edition, The Billfold
The Theory of Wealth Relativity, The Billfold